Liberals, conservatives unite against TSPLOST sales tax hike to fund transportation projects
Liberals, conservatives unite against TSPLOST sales tax hike to fund transportation projects
By Jon Shirek 11Alive
ATLANTA — A rare coalition of conservatives and liberals is speaking out in one voice, united against the proposed sales tax hike that would pay for new transportation projects.
The proposal is on the July 31 ballot, and early voting is already underway.
The proposed sales tax hike — TSPLOST, which stands for Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax — is uniting people who usually fight against each other on virtually every other issue.
Those against the tax hike include — on the right — conservative, anti-tax, small-government Tea Party groups, and suburban and rural Republicans; and on the left — civil rights groups such as the NAACP, and labor unions.
They’re all urging voters to go to the polls and vote NO to the sales tax hike.
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