On T-SPLOST, Fayette Chamber outed as tax-and-spend liberals
On T-SPLOST, Fayette Chamber outed as tax-and-spend liberals
By Randy Drake
Why is a T-SPLOST even necessary? Governments ask constituents to give them additional money because they’ve failed to properly allocate the money they already collect.
Part of the government’s mandate is to provide adequate infrastructure for its citizens. It has failed to do so, so “the region” is asking voters for additional money, called T-SPLOST, to be earmarked for transportation.
This is similar to the county asking for additional money, called E-SPLOST, to make up for their failure to adequately plan for and fund education, which is also their mandate.
What’s next? C-SPLOST to pay for cops? F-SPLOST to pay for firefighters?
Perhaps if the government (at all levels) did not cast itself as “Big Nanny,” spending money on goods and services people should be providing for themselves, it would have enough money to provide its mandated services.
Governments are not mandated to provide recreational and sports venues, from Turner Field to the Kedron pool, or to provide “senior services,” such as scrap-booking and tai chi classes, or to entertain the populace with concerts and belly dance lessons.
Nor are they mandated to provide endless handouts to people who have made stupid life choices (high-school dropouts, unwed mothers, drug addicts, etc.).
Government officials need to re-read their constitution/charter to remind themselves what a government is supposed to do.
If the T-SPLOST should pass, Fayette County would be a donor county, meaning that more tax will be collected from purchases in the county than spent on transportation projects in the county.
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