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Powerful GOP Senator opposes transportation sales tax

Powerful GOP Senator opposes transportation sales tax AP 11Alive ATLANTA — One of the most powerful politicians under Georgia’s gold dome has come out against the July 31 transportation sales tax vote. State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) helped push through the bill authorizing the referendum in the legislature. He personally voted for it


Lawmaker among opponents of transportation tax

Lawmaker among opponents of transportation tax By Sandra Parrish wsbradio.com “Essentially if we pass the ten-year tax, we’re telling the next generation of taxpayers they will also have to fund this because you’re not going to shut down the mass transit system, you’re not going to stop the trains, you’re not going to quit construction on


Deal’s Appointment Another Reason To Consider “No” On T-SPLOST

Deal’s Appointment Another Reason To Consider “No” On T-SPLOST The Governor also makes this appointment at a time when voters are asked to approve billions of new tax dollars for transportation improvements via T-SPLOST referendums this month. Opponents of the measures are already citing a reluctance to give significant new money to a system rife


Powerful GOP Senator opposes transportation sales tax

ATLANTA — One of the most powerful politicians under Georgia’s gold dome has come out against the July 31 transportation sales tax vote. State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) helped push through the bill authorizing the referendum in the legislature. He personally voted for it twice. Read the AP story: http://www.11alive.com/news/article/247743/40/Powerful-GOP-Senator-opposes-transportation-tax


GDOT’s Scathing Financial Report

GDOT spends more than $2B tax payer dollars every year. 4th straight ‘scathing’ critical report. Watch the investigative report


Protest Against T-SPLOST Planned

Protest Against T-SPLOST Planned CONYERS — Josie Dean, organizer of the Rockdale Think Tank, is spearheading a protest effort against the T-SPLOST referendum that will be on the July 31 ballot. The basis for the opposition in Rockdale, Dean said, is that Rockdale taxpayers will be asked to pay more over the course of the


It’s Time to Vote Down TSPLOST

It’s Time to Vote Down TSPLOST By Tom Bevirt, former Powder Springs Councilman For 12 years I and Mayors and fellow Council Members often remonstrated about why did previous councils do this or that. I firmly believe that all of us often said quite openly that we must remember that our vote would be felt


TSPLOST opponents upset about wording on ballot

WSB TV on ballot language challenge. Channel 2 Action News political analyst Bill Crane said it is clear most state leaders, including Gov. Nathan Deal, are pushing for the sales tax. “If you can’t win the argument on its merits you shouldn’t need to resort to tactics that are questionable to win the argument,” Crane


Airport authority chairman says taxiway in T-SPLOST not needed

Airport authority chairman says taxiway in T-SPLOST not needed By staff on June 29, 2012 By  FARAH BOHANNON, For The Paper Jackson County Airport Authority chairman Ken Botts says he considers one of the projects on the transportation intiative referendum to be voted on July 31 a waste of taxpayer money. The Transportation Special Purpose


What’s wrong with our news media?

What’s wrong with our news media? By Mike Lowry As the TSPLOST issue has gained more publicity over the last several months we have been treated to many working examples of the media-as-advocate instead of media-as-reporter. The coverage seems designed to reinforce the Maven/ARC/Chamber message rather than to examine the facts about the project list

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