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11Alive Debate: Senator Thompson v Senate Majority Leader Rogers

July 14, 2012 State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers has broken ranks with fellow Republicans Governor Nathan Deal and Lt. Governor Casey Cagle in opposing the measure. Democratic State Senator Curt Thompson says what’s on the ballot is not perfect, but says the state in general, and metro Atlanta specifically, must do something now to


UCLA study of Japan’s bullet train raises questions about California project

A new UCLA economic analysis of Japan’s Shinkansen bullet train and its impact on the growth of cities along its route calls into question claims by state officials that California’s high-speed rail project will create up to 400,000 permanent jobs. Construction of Japan’s vaunted bullet train began in the mid-1960s, and it did not generate


TSPLOST is a nonstarter

TSPLOST is a nonstarter By Eric Schumacher Evans Tuesday, July 17, 2012 On July 31 we will be asked to vote on a proposed transportation improvements special purpose local option sales tax that would add 1 percent sales tax for 10 years. When you vote, please consider this: • We already pay 29.9 cents in


Is the fix in for T-SPLOST?

OVER THE YEARS Chatham County voters have developed a reputation for apathy in keeping with our general laid-back attitude. But there’s one thing we’re not apathetic about at all: For some reason voters here will happily crawl over broken glass to vote new taxes on themselves. I’ve never seen anything like it. Must be something


UGA Professor: ‘T-SPLOST Prospects Look Dim’

From his lips to God’s ear 🙂 Charles Bullock, Richard B. Russell Professor of Political Science at the University of Georgia, sees small chance of the initiative passing.  Georgia Republicans’ aversion to any kind of tax and concern about riling the Tea Party, are helping to consolidate opposition to the state’s one-percent sales tax referendum


Audit: Georgia DOT sitting on $1billion

GDOT has over $1.2B on hand and uncommitted last summer.  That’s a 31% increase in a single year. Audit: Georgia DOT sitting on $1billion.


T-SPLOST Referendum Will Make or Break Proposed Rail Line to Emory

Officials at Emory University say the approaching transportation referendum will make or break plans for a long-sought-after campus rail line. For decades there’s been talk of a Clifton Corridor rail line that would connect MARTA to major employers like Emory and the Centers for Disease Control. Betty Willis, a community affairs vice president with Emory,


Two Dougherty Co. commissioners speak out against TSPLOST

Monday, Dougherty County commissioners Gloria Gaines and Jack Stone let the public know, they are not in favor of the July 31st transportation tax referendum. “This is a sales tax for Christ’s sake and that means it is a regressive tax. That means it hit the bottom part of the economic ladder much harder than


Mayor David Pennington on T-SPLOST: Leadership or Coercion

Friends, The test of true leadership is the trust and respect it inspires. The Regional Transportation Referendum, T-SPLOST, to be decided on July 31st does not past this test. Those we elected to lead lacked the courage to devise a fair and cost effective funding mechanism for state transportation projects. Rather, like a salesman who

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