Poll to Poll: 11Alive v Mayor Kasim Reed
Bottom line: T-SPLOST is lacking majority support regardless of the Mayor’s own attempt at polling and 11Alive’s attempt to help passage via their help desk.
Representative Sean Jerguson speaks against TIA / T-SPLOST
Representative Sean Jerguson says the projects list is not well thought out for Metro region with some projects being suspect and possibly illegal. In his own words…
More T-SPLOST games
More T-SPLOST games By Terry Garlock Sunday morning provides a number of TV choices for political updates. One of those is The Georgia Gang, a roundtable discussion of local issues among four regulars, two conservatives and two liberals. As you might predict, T-SPLOST is an escalating topic on this show as the July 31 vote
On T-SPLOST, Fayette Chamber outed as tax-and-spend liberals
On T-SPLOST, Fayette Chamber outed as tax-and-spend liberals By Randy Drake Why is a T-SPLOST even necessary? Governments ask constituents to give them additional money because they’ve failed to properly allocate the money they already collect. Part of the government’s mandate is to provide adequate infrastructure for its citizens. It has failed to do so,
T-SPLOST fail: Man life boats, abandon ship
T-SPLOST fail: Man life boats, abandon ship By Bob Ross The government’s own projections show that your $8.5 billion won’t change your commute all that much, that $2.8 billion of transit projects will only be partially funded, and no one can explain where massive transit subsidies will come from when the 10-year tax ends. No
Press Release: TSPLOST Donors Uncovered
Transportation Leadership Coalition uncovers large donors to the Regional TSPLOST Referendum “Atlanta Journal Constitution” adds disclaimer to editorial pages with parent company listed as top supporter of the transportation sales tax referendum. July 17, 2012, Roswell, GA – The Transportation Leadership Coalition (TLC) has uncovered documentation of large donor contributors to Citizens for Transportation Mobility
2012 Tuesday: Polls show clear decline for T-SPLOST support (Updated)
2012 Tuesday: Polls show clear decline for T-SPLOST support (Updated) By Kyle Wingfiel AJC Opinion polls for the presidential race, even when broken down by state, are too far out from Election Day to tell us very much. But the T-SPLOST referendum, which is just two weeks away? That’s different — and a few new
Highway contractors give heavily to T-SPLOST bid
July 17, 2012 — A citizens’ group today called out two committees pushing the July 31 referendum for a transportation sales tax for failing to file required financial disclosures on time. The group, the Transportation Leadership Coalition, also released a memo identifying donors of at least $434,000 to the pro-tax effort. But, while we wait
11Alive News Poll: Tax Would Lose if Vote Taken Today
Poll Results: Tax would not pass, Traffic would get worse with tax passage, Pro-tax advertising not working