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PeachPundit Saturday T-SPLOST Pro & Con Thread

PeachPundit Saturday T-SPLOST Pro & Con Thread By Charlie This post by Charlie contains a video and several radio ads by the pro-tsplost campaign.     It also contains a copy of an email by Representative Ed Setzler who opposes t-splost.  In part, the email reads: This project list is a trap for taxpayers that consumes 52% of


Transportation Tax Debate On 11Alive

Transportation Tax Debate On 11Alive By David Ries State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers has broken ranks with fellow Republicans Governor Nathan Deal and Lt. Governor Casey Cagle in opposing the measure.   Democratic State Senator Curt Thompson says what’s on the ballot is not perfect, but says the state in general, and metro Atlanta specifically,


Urban Mobility Performance Measure Summary – Atlanta GA

Urban Mobility Performance Measure Summary – Atlanta GA Texas A & M University 2011 Citizens For Transportation Mobility’s UntieAtlanta pro- TIA2010 / t-splost campaign hammers taxpayers with the $924/yr congestion cost Atlantans pay in wasted fuel and lost time while commuting in personal vehicles in Metro ATL traffic.  They insist ATL traffic keeps businesses from moving here and creating jobs, and is causing home values to suffer.   


Transit and the “D” Word

Transit and the “D” Word By Erick Guerra and Robert Cervero Could this be why the progressive planners behind TIA 2010 / T-splost are implementing higher density development in Metro ATL’s cities via ARC Plan 2040? Is your city council on board? Who will pay? Without high patronage, new rail investments incur large deficits and fail


Transit Cooperative Research Program

Transit Cooperative Research Program Sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration Robert Cervero, University of California, Berkeley and Samuel Seskin, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. “Urban rail transit investments rarely “create” new growth, but more typically redistribute growth that would have taken place without the investment.” For Study Details: Click Here 


Poll: Majority of metro voters now against TSPLOST

Poll: Majority of metro voters now against TSPLOST WSB Channel 2 Lori Geary ATLANTA — A poll conducted less than three weeks before the Georgia statewide primary shows support for a transportation referendum continued to slip. The Rosetta Stone poll conducted for Channel 2 Action News indicated the lowest support yet for the TSPLOST, despite


T-SPLOST won’t work

T-SPLOST won’t work By Norb Leahy Too Little Congestion Relief T-SPLOST is weak and late on congestion relief.  Assuming drivers will take trains and buses is naïve at best and dishonest at worst. Congestion relief requires reducing road and highway pinch points and establishing a grid.  T-SPLOST doesn’t do that. What T-SPLOST Does T-SPLOST spends


Who’s behind the pricey ads supporting T-SPLOST?

Who’s behind the pricey ads supporting T-SPLOST? By Jennifer Leslie 11Alive ATLANTA — The committee behind the television ads and billboards that urge voters to support T-SPLOST and “Untie Atlanta” have raised millions of dollars. But if you look on the state’s ethics website, you won’t find any information about who’s behind the money. Citizens


Mark Aesch, CEO Of Transpro And Reformer Of Detroit’s Public Transporation

Mark Aesch, CEO Of Transpro And Reformer Of Detroit’s Public Transporation Rob Johnson Show 640WGST Will his insight help  public transportation in Atlanta? Listen: Click Here


Census: Only 3% of Atlantans use public transit

Census: Only 3% of Atlantans use public transit Atlanta Business Chronicle Few metro Atlanta workers rely on public transit for their daily commutes, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau Only 3.36 percent of Big Peach workers hop aboard a MARTA train or bus or use their local public bus service. Atlanta ranks

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