Deal’s support for T-SPLOST gets a “Flip-Flop” from PolitiFact
From AJC, Friday, June 8, 2012 “The Washington-based Americans for Tax Reform has become a major player in Republican Party politics with its Taxpayer Protection Pledge. More than half the members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed the pledge. Nearly half the U.S. Senate has signed it. Nearly all the signers are Republicans.
These days, the governor drives Georgia road planning
On June 6, 2012, Joe Earle, Editor of the “Reporter Newspapers” provided this preface to the main article. “Dunwoody resident Bob Dallas writes an occasional column for Reporter Newspapers and called “Dallas On Transportation” or “DOT.” Dallas headed the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety under former Gov. Sonny Perdue. He will answer questions about
What Is Really Behind T-SPLOST?
Remember the Washington Times article about Environmental Justice? It was Part One of a series uncovering a movement to restrict your movement. If you didn’t get a chance to read it go here: Little did we know our own Fulton County Commission Chairman, John Eaves, pushed through an Environmental Justice resolution right here in
Pro-TSPLOST Tax Lobbyist Recants
In Henry forum, lobbyist Lawler said Brown was not wrong “I believe Mr. Lawler has an uphill battle trying to sell the TSPLOST. Most everyone walked away from our debate in Henry County siding with Commissioner Brown. Once you know the facts, the choice to oppose TSPLOST is easy unless you are in transportation building
Citizen Contribution: T-SPLOST: The False Dilemma
T-SPLOST: THE FALSE DILEMMA By: Billy Wise, Concerned Citizen, Duluth That there is a problem with traffic congestion in Metro Atlanta cannot be argued with. The big question is, are we on the correct solution path with T-SPLOST to address that congestion? As a possible answer to that question, the following hypothesis
Self-Driving Cars Could be Part of Atlanta’s Traffic Solutions
Traffic accidents are the major source of congestion issues in metro Atlanta. Could self driving cars become a solution of the future and a major component for Plan B? Read all about this intriguing solution: Click Here
DOT study only gives express buses lip service guru Ron Sifen deciphers GDOT’s report on Connect Cobb – Northwest Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis. I have been talking about huge cost differentials for different kinds of transit for a long time. This report confirms how extreme these differentials are. (Please note that Cobb presented national averages, and not Cobb-specific cost projections for this
Debunking the myth that traffic congestion and economic vitality can’t coexist.
Rethinking the Economics of Traffic Congestion Eric Dumbaugh Jun 01, 2012 With a few notable exceptions, transportation planning practice in the United States is focused on managing or eliminating traffic congestion. Regardless of whether planners are advocating for highway infrastructure to improve level-of-service, or transit projects intended to “get cars off the road,” the underlying
WSB’s Adam Goldfein on T-SPLOST
T-SPLOST: Additional Thoughts May 29, 2012 Adam’s Blog, T-SPLOST. The effectiveness of the T-SPLOST at creating and funding large regional projects needs to be questioned. If multiple counties are coming together to build transportation projects, why don’t we see large projects like a northern arc or comprehensive rail system? The project lists are littered with
T-SPLOST ‘extraordinarily wasteful’
AJC’s Tom Sabulis interviewed Lance Lamberton, founder of the Cobb County Taxpayers Association, via email about the July 31 transportation tax referendum. Below is a sample of the Q & A: Q: How are you telling Cobb residents to vote on the T-SPLOST, and why? A: Cobb Taxpayers Association is recommending that Cobb residents vote