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Is transportation tax ballot question unbiased?

Brian Kemp wouldn’t go on camera. Governor Deal denies his own actions.


500 Good Reasons To Trust The T-SPLOST (Dripping in Sarcasm)

500 Good Reasons To Trust The T-SPLOST June 22, 2012 10:00 am by Mike Hassinger “Some of you have expressed opposition to the upcoming T-SPLOST because you don’t believe that raising sales taxes by 1 percent will solve metro Atlanta’s traffic problems. Well, you doubters need to look at the return on investment the folks


T-SPLOST ballot language misleading

Jay Bookman T-SPLOST ballot language misleading June 22, 2012 “However, even those high stakes don’t justify the unfair description that voters will see printed on the July ballot, which claims that the proposal “provides for local transportation projects to create jobs and reduce traffic congestion with citizen oversight.” Opponents of the transportation tax, including the


Key groups join the Transportation Leadership Coalition in its opposition to the preamble of the T-SPLOST ballot question.

From Georgia Pundit (gapundit.com), June 22, 2012 The Atlanta Tea Party and Georgia Conservatives in Action joined the Transportation Leadership Coalition in its opposition to the preamble of the T-SPLOST ballot question. The groups called on the governor, attorney general and secretary of state to remove the offending language, but stopped short of saying if they


Transportation sales tax opponents object to wording of ballot question

Political Insider: Transportation sales tax opponents object to wording of ballot question The Atlanta Journal Constitution sent reporter Aaron Gould Sheinin to Thursday’s press conference a the state Capitol held by the Transportation Leadership Coalition and other opponents to the transportation sales tax.  While Sheinin didn’t publish a piece that we’ve seen, Jim Galloway offers


Congress Wrecked America’s Road System

Congress Wrecked America’s Road System Newmax Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 By Ernest Istook Why are our roads so congested? It’s because of a wreck. By spending fuel tax money on things other than roads, Washington has wrecked the way we pay for highways. With dedicated revenue now drained away, roads are clogged due to wasteful


AJC: The public has no idea where $1B of local TSPLOST money will be spent

Public ‘in the dark’ on T-SPLOST $1B Share of transportation funds for localities does not require project list By Ariel Hart and Paige Cornwell The Atlanta Journal-Constitution “The battle over how the region would spend $6.14 billion to fix metro Atlanta’s transportation quagmire is in full roar. “Little noticed in the din: $1.08 billion in


Video: Georgia Public Policy Foundation

Adjunct Scholar Baruch Feigenbaum, author of the “Getting Georgia Moving” study, discusses the T-SPLOST focusing on the metro Atlanta region. Download the complementary powerpoint presentation here: http://www.georgiapolicy.org/pub/transportation/TSPLOSTPPT.ppt Sections of note: Minute 14:40 – The most we should be funding transit is 25% to 33%, not 52% Minute 15:00 – Least dense area over 3M people


‘Plan B’ starts to emerge

From The Marietta Daily Journal, June 14, 2012 By Ron Sifen, member of the Transportation  Leadership Coalition In order to initiate Plan B, taxpayers must vote NO on the regional tax on July 31. The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) has recently conceded that the TSPLOST projects list will have an insignificant impact on reducing commute


Part 2: Statewide, grassroots group opposes funding proposal

From the Times- Herald, June 10, 2012 By Sarah Fay Campbell (Editor’s note: This is the second package of articles in a two-day series looking at the TSPLOST proposal to be voted on on July 31.) The statewide vote on regional transportation sales taxes is less than two month away, and a statewide, grassroots organization

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